Church acknowledges and is committed to the following truths:
- The whole Bible was given by inspiration of the Spirit of God and is of absolute authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
- There is one, true, eternal, unchanging, triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and He alone is God.
- Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, truly God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and became true Man while still and eternally God. The Death of Jesus Christ on the Cross was a full and sufficient sacrifice for the sin of all mankind. He rose from the grave, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the world and reign in righteousness.
- The Holy Spirit, One with the Father and the Son in the unity of Godhead, was sent from the Father and the Son to glorify Christ, to convict the world of sin, to bring sinners to repentance and to life in Christ, to lead believers into all truth, transform them into the image of Christ, and empower for God's service.
- Man was created in God's image, but fell through sin; all are sinners, all are under judgement. Full and perfect salvation is available to all by grace in Christ to be received through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.
- At the return of Jesus Christ there will be a resurrection of all: of believers to eternal glory, unbelievers to eternal judgement.
- The Church of Jesus Christ is comprised of all true believers, who are to worship God and serve Him in this world.
- As commanded by Jesus Christ, believers are to acknowledge their faith in Jesus Christ by baptism, by immersion; and the Lord's supper is to be regularly observed by all believers.